Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sport and Society for Feb. 4

Read the following article from the New York Times. Come to class with written answers to the comprehension questions below.

The Sporting Mind

1. What made Prof. Rosenstock-Huessy difficult to understand for American students when he first came to the U.S.?

2. What makes the world of sport a particulary useful way of explaining a concept according to Prof. Rosenstock-Huessy?

3. What is the key element of Greek, Roman, and British sport tradition according to Prof. Gillespie?

4. What values do students learn from sports according to Gillespie?

5. What does Gillespie want to change about U.S. sports at the university level?

6. What is the author's response to Gillespie's ideas about mass sports?

7. Give your own reaction to the following description of a crowd gathering for a sporting event: "... I noticed people dressed in red walking in the same direction. At first it was a trickle, then thousands. It looked like the gathering of a happy Midwestern cult, though, of course it was the procession to a football game."